LAOH Missions and Charities
Saturday, February 8th, 7:00 - 11:00 PM, St Joseph's Church, Travis Hall. Terry Parrett, Magician and Comedian will be the entertainment. Cost of this event is $20.00, which includes beer, wine, soda, snacks, coffee and desserts. There will be raffles and a 50/50.
Questions call Karen St John at 631-637-5699. Click on the rabbit to download the flyer.
St Patrick's Day Dance
Saturday, March 8th, 7:00 -11:00 PM, St. Joseph's Church, Travis Hall. This years Hibernian of the Year is Dennis Adrian. The cost of this event is $, which includes dinner, drinks and desserts. Music will be performed by the Ed Ryan Band. Click on the shamrock below to download the flyer for the journal ad.
Annual dues are payable in January of the current year and are good until December 31st of that year. Please send your appropriate dues to your financial secretary or you can bring it to the next meeting. See either Men's Financial Secretary Matt McCrossen or Ladies Financial Secretary Mary Ramos. Please keep in mind that the Division has to pay the State and National dues for every member in the Division.
In order to do that, we need you to keep your dues current.
Hibernian Sashes
Anyone interested in purchasing a Hibernian Sash, the cost is $45.00 each. Please contact Carol Clancy
Interested in becoming an Hibernian? Just click on the Hibernian emblem below and download an application.
Fill out the application and send it to us at:
AOH Division Three
PO Box 360
Smithtown, NY 11787